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Not Always Dangerous, This Causes Tight Stomach During Young Pregnancy

Tight stomach during young pregnancy may happen to you. This condition may often trigger the concern of pregnant women, although generally it is a normal process to support the development of the baby. For normal pregnancy, this is generally not dangerous. However, there is nothing wrong if you remain aware of this complaint and pay close attention. If it occurs up to four times an hour, you should consult with a doctor.

Common Causes Occur

Tight stomach during young pregnancy, generally due to the developing uterus will push the abdominal muscles. As a result, the stomach feels tight. In addition, a tight stomach during young pregnancy can also be caused by several things, such as:
  • Ligament pain (round ligament pain)

  • Round ligament is a network that helps support the uterus, this network is connected from around the uterus to the groin. As the pregnancy develops, the size of the uterus will also develop. This causes the ligaments to stretch, and cause discomfort in the form of pain. Stomach that has been tight because of the expansion of the uterus, will feel tighter because of the pain in the ligament.
  • Constipation

  • Tight stomach during young pregnancy can also be caused by pregnant women experiencing constipation or constipation and flatulence. During pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone increases. So that the digestion process becomes slower. Pain in the stomach because this can be overcome by eating foods that are softened stools such as fiber from fruits and vegetables, exercise and drink more fluids, especially water.
  • Cramps

  • Cramps can be an early sign of pregnancy in some women. If you experience it, don't rush into a panic. Cramps occur during early pregnancy because at that time the fertilized egg is trying to attach to the uterine wall. Tight stomach during early pregnancy caused by cramps can also occur when the pregnancy stepped on the second trimester. During pregnancy, the uterine muscles will work hard to maintain pregnancy. At certain times during pregnancy, such as when holding back urination or doing exercises, the uterine muscles that have been tightened during pregnancy, become more prone to cramping.
  • After sex

  • Another cause of tight stomach during young pregnancy is due to having sex until reaching orgasm. During orgasm, the muscles will react and can affect the vagina and uterus, causing cramps. At this time the stomach feels tight.

More serious causes

Pain or tight stomach during young pregnancy can also be caused by more serious conditions, such as ectopic pregnancy. This happens when the egg that has been fertilized by sperm does not stick to the uterus. Most often attached to the fallopian tube. Generally, pregnant women who suffer from ectopic pregnancy will feel quite severe pain and bleeding at 6-10 weeks of gestation. Abdominal discomfort during young pregnancy can also be felt if there is a spontaneous miscarriage. Common in gestational age under 13 weeks. Characterized by pain in the back and continuous contractions and bleeding. In addition, the stomach feels tight during young pregnancy can be a sign that you have other conditions, such as kidney stones, appendicitis, or urinary tract infections (UTI). Sometimes the symptoms are not clear, because only in the form of pain like stomach pain in general. Also the possibility of symptoms becoming vague among other diseases or due to the condition of the pregnancy itself. It's best to be vigilant if a tight stomach during young pregnancy is accompanied by unbearable or continuous pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, chills, pain during urination, discharge from the vagina, or bleeding from the vagina. Basically the stomach feels tight during young pregnancy is not dangerous and does not harm the fetus. However, if the pain does not go away and the cause is unknown, it is advisable to see a doctor to get the right treatment.


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