Tight stomach during young pregnancy may happen to you. This condition may often trigger the concern of pregnant women, although generally it is a normal process to support the development of the baby. For normal pregnancy, this is generally not dangerous. However, there is nothing wrong if you remain aware of this complaint and pay close attention. If it occurs up to four times an hour, you should consult with a doctor. Common Causes Occur Tight stomach during young pregnancy, generally due to the developing uterus will push the abdominal muscles. As a result, the stomach feels tight. In addition, a tight stomach during young pregnancy can also be caused by several things, such as: Ligament pain (round ligament pain) Round ligament is a network that helps support the uterus, this network is connected from around the uterus to the groin. As the pregnancy develops, the size of the uterus will also develop. This causes the ligaments to stretch, and cause discomfort in the fo...