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How to Control Your Emotions so As Not to Harm Yourself

Not infrequently negative emotions such as disappointment and anger control, so you become unable to concentrate. In fact, you do things that are detrimental to yourself and others. This is why it's important to know how to control emotions. Research has found that human emotional responses come from the way they value certain experiences. Emotions are normal expressions of various things that occur in everyday life, such as laughing because of funny events to feel upset after being stuck in traffic. Expressing emotions properly and knowing how to control emotions will make you feel better. Even so, it is not uncommon for negative emotions to make you behave negatively as well. Angry, sad, disappointed can not be avoided, but can be managed. Expressions of negative emotions can even harm your friendship, work, and even your health. This is what makes you need to learn how to control emotions. The guide below is expected to help you.
  • Every time you react negatively, calm down by taking a deep breath and closing your eyes.
  • You cannot change certain situations, but can change your mindset from the point of view that makes you angry or frustrated into the point of view that makes you feel better.
  • Change your focus. If you feel inferior more often because you think others are more powerful, change your focus on yourself, what you want to do, and the abilities you want to improve, so that makes you more confident.
  • Avoid situations that make it easy for you to feel negative emotions. For example, if you are easily upset when in a hurry, then you can set a time to leave early. That way, traffic jams or even slow road users will not be too disturbing or even avoidable.
  • Establish communication with people around you like family, friends, neighbors who make you comfortable. You need friends and family as a place for you to share problems that are willing to listen and not leave you alone.
  • Find activities that make you happy and can be a positive part of your daily life such as biking, playing soccer. Doing a hobby that you like makes you feel relaxed in your own world. In addition, exercise can be a means to manage stress.
  • Giving can make you happy. Give your time, help, or smile to others, for example taking part in social services.
  • Learning new abilities, such as new languages ​​or musical instruments, can inspire confidence and function as a way of controlling emotions.
  • Be aware of your current existence, your feelings and thoughts, including around you. This can make you more aware and positive in responding to everything.
  • Having sex can bring emotional benefits that make you feel more confident.
  • Maintaining an ideal body weight is one way to control emotions and mental health. Try to eat healthy foods that are rich in nutrients and with portions that are not excessive.
  • Yoga and meditation can be stress management methods and train you to control your emotions.
  • Manage time by organizing schedules and making plans for things to do. Planning will help you reduce stress.
  • Learn to say "no" especially to things that you can't really manage, or events that you really can't attend.
  • Keep the body always getting enough rest so that the problem does not easily ignite emotions.
Health is not only about a healthy body, but also a healthy mind that affects emotions. Emotionally healthy means being able to manage everyday problems such as stress, changing bad habits, being creative, making friends, and all other things that can have an impact on mental and physical health. Maintaining emotional health is as important as maintaining a healthy body, because the two affect each other. Impaired emotional health can cause a person to experience health problems such as chest pain and high blood pressure. People whose minds and emotions are healthy will more easily face major life problems such as separation or even death. However, beware if it turns out that what you feel is not just emotional fluctuations, but a sign of depression. Recognize symptoms of depression that can be characterized by signs such as bad mood for more than two weeks, feeling hopeless, exhausted, unable to concentrate, loss of appetite or otherwise eating too much, insomnia or continue to want to sleep, and think of ending life . Try to apply various ways to control emotions above to get physical and mental health. If symptoms of depression begin to appear, do not hesitate to consult a doctor immediately.


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